Sunday, May 27, 2007


1. God glorifying farewells
2. Safe & fun travel to and in Korea
3. Thanksgiving for our Korean hosts (Manuel, Mihamm & family)
4. Safe travel home from Korea next week
5. For Maverick who wrote in our yearbooks "If you love us, come back."
6. For Benricko who still is not the same
7. For Miss Irene who is staying & praying & hoping for her husband & children to be with her
8. For State-side college-bound students & all the financial & travel arrangements
9. For Katie to take care of financial aid business before we are cut off from communication!
10. For wisdom to know what I should do this summer & fall...

Thank you & Farewell! (For now...)


Picnic & Reef Island

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Graduation & the Logan Tree

A Day with Dayson (ironically I'm not posting any pictures of him...)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Who knew I would care so much...

Please, keep praying for Benricko (Becko) and Spencer...for a falling out that Becko had with me and a falling out they have had with each other.

I read this devotion today (from a book from Bill & Joanne Brandon) & it hit the spot for this situation: It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it is your thoughts about those events. Your mind engages in trying to take control of a situation, to bring about the result you desire. Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. Determined to make things go your way, you forget that I am in charge of your life. The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem to My Presence. Stop all your striving, and watch to see what I will do. I am the Lord! (from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, p148)


Monday (Yesterday)

Nick, Ana, and Nico left yesterday. Emily and I were uncontrollably bawling at the airport.
Please, earnestly and constantly be in prayer for...
...Dayson Marar and his plans for the summer as well as his financial status with Master's.
...the Logan Church group coming to the US and the most important details to be worked out before I leave on Monday.
...for trust, love, trust, joy, trust, peace, trust, patience, trust, trust, trust, trust, trust.
May the Lord bless you richly!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


1. I’ve been officially accepted into the Master’s TEFL/Intercultural Studies program at Columbia International University! And the guest speaker for baccalaureate, a professor at Pacific Island Bible College on Tol, taught at CIU for 14 years (or something like that).
2. Although we’ve gone days at a time without electricity lately, it just makes us more thankful when it is on.
3. We’ve been to the airport three times in the past week. We’ll be going tomorrow morning to see Nick, Ana, and Nico off. One more week and then we’ll be gone. …I’m trying not to think about it.
4. Had dinner with six of the senior girls tonight. Was very amusing. …Some of the senior boys (and a few others) crashed the event at Lei Side Café. It was hilarious when Franky and my recorded song came over the speakers and I hear KI say, being overly loud on purpose, “Wow. That girl’s voice is the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.” It was even more hilarious when DS came up behind the booth with his napkin and asked for my autograph.
5. Graduation is on Friday and so we have the next four days with not a whole lot to do. Pray that we have wonderful visits from our students, that we get to “climb the mountain,” and that we get another dive in.
6. I went to the “Mission to the U.S.” meeting at Logan tonight. It was very interesting. Some of the group was very understanding and knew that they were still loved and prayed for by people at CCC. Others were very skeptical. But I asked them to come to California. I’ve been praying morning and night that they would. They had completed wiped California off their schedule because of rejection but they will rethink through their plans and maybe come.
7. Thank you to all of the phone calls, e-mails, comments, and especially prayers for all the happenings here lately. It has been quite emotionally and spiritually draining and I covet your prayers and interaction with me.

Please, keep them coming…
1. For God to do a miracle so Dayson (second highest graduate at PIBC and awarded student of the year at his graduation) can attend The Master’s College in the fall. He was accepted but is still waiting to here from financial aid. Pray also that God leads him to a place to live for the summer (preferably someplace in CA) and for a way to earn money.
2. For Becko and Emily to be reconciled (long story).
3. Director for next year.
4. Teachers for next year.
5. Custodial staff for next year.
6. For all the plans for Korea to work out perfectly and our time there to be one of wonderful fellowship with our missionary hosts and lots of rest and relaxation.

I’ve been reading a wonderful book. Here’s a quote:
“A hungry man can be a fast learner. When you come to a table with nothing but need, you are grateful for things you might have pushed aside before. And when you kneel, hungry and broken at His table, you receive a grace from Him you might, at some other time, have completely missed. You’ll know this grace when you take it. It goes deeper, quicker, and it burns all the way down.”

Also, I’ve been reading THE MOST Wonderful Book. I’ve been encouraged by the book of Nehemiah in particular, especially chapter 9. It’s pretty much just a summary of God’s work in the nation of Israel – God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love – the story of my life. But the really cool thing about it is that God used His love for the many times faithless nation of Israel to enlighten the heart of a little girl 2,500 years later out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If God can use the nation of Israel to reveal more about Himself to me, then there is a glimmer of hope that He can use me also to reveal to others more about Himself. I pray with all of my heart that He did.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Junior Retreat

Patsy, Vanity, & Miss Katie

Sinie, Betty, Miss Katie, & Immacu

Augustina & Miss Junotte

Miss Emily & Peter

Betty, Augustina, Aileen, Roselima, Beulah, & Vanity


Mickenzy & Teison

Friday, May 18, 2007

Senior Banquet

Freshmen Myron and Benricko
Junior Disc Jockey DS


KI, Alvin, Franky

Ermy, Evangeline, Doralyn, Gina, Immacu

Thursday, May 17, 2007

School Farewell Party

party food... magenta rice, kimche flavored rice noodles, potatoe salad, and the best chicken in the world... yummy

Charity and Darian

Miss Irene, Emily and Nico

Doralyn and Miss Katie
DS on the keyboard

Vanity, Em, Betty, & Katie

Junior, Em, and Frank
And I know this is bragging but I do have to admit that it's sort of cool. Director was eating at a little cafe the other night and he said that as the music played all of the sudden... Franky and Katie started singing. Haha! That's right. I am officially recorded onto the new BIC album singing "Your Grace Still Amazes Me" - wow!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day at Logan

We Pray to One Who ACTS

Praise the Lord for rain! Thank you for your intercession. Please, continue to pray for rain. And also the electricity is out again. Please, pray for constant power over the next two weeks. God hears and acts.

In my last blog entry, I did not mean to tell my faithful prayer warriors that they did not love me or my precious people I'm ministering with and to. Those that pray have been the most crucial part of this ministry all along. Right now, much healing and wisdom are needed. Please, please, please, continue to pray.

My pain, hurt, and tears have not subsided by any means but I am beginning to feel a sense of letting go and freedom. That God no longer needs me to be a part of this ministry and that, no matter the circumstances that everything is in right now, I have the freedom to go and participate in the next stage of my life and not be burdened. Of course, I will always, always love and pray.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

"...grief is upon me..." Jeremiah 8:18

1. Director has been called home. I don’t know all the details, only that my Beloved and Trusted Director, Boss, Father-figure, Pastor, Mentor, Friend was seen as a hindrance. And his and his family’s hearts are broken, and the students hearts are broken (especially my precious junior APs), and my heart is broken.
2. The group from Logan Church will probably NOT come to California this summer as originally planned. They feel no one is interested in them. No one will help host them or is eager to hear their songs of praise and their testimonies of what God has done and is doing.
3. Mizpah may not survive. Many of my students are planning on leaving or doing something else for schooling. As said before, probably 7 of Mizpah’s 10 teachers will be leaving.
4. I feel rejected. It would be hard leaving here this time around anyway because I knew I wasn’t coming back next year. It’s ten millions times worse leaving with everything so completely messed up. I cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry. This has been the hardest year of my life for reasons that most of you will never ever know anything about. But if I have learned two things it is that God is far more gracious than we will ever know and that by that grace… I LOVE THESE PEOPLE. Yes, sometimes I wanted to ring some sophomore necks and other times I was completely disgusted at my junior boys' disrespect and disgusting jokes and sometimes I wanted to walk out of my senior classes and say, “Forget you. You don’t care anyway.” But what kept me here was God’s grace towards me and how I wish and long and pray for my students to know my gracious God and to realize their potential through Him and for Him and because of Him, the truly abundant life they can have – not necessarily of physical things but of everything that matters – using the gifts that God has given them to their full capacity, working hard for Him, praying and reading His Word because it’s how they can know Him more.

…I was listening to a song earlier. Here are the lyrics:

I will praise you, Lord my God/Even in my brokenness, I will praise You, Lord/I will praise you, Lord my God/Even in my desperation, I will praise You, Lord/I can’t understand all that you’ve allowed/Just can’t see the reason/But my life is in your hands/Though I cannot see, I choose to trust You//Even when my heart is torn, I will praise You, Lord/Even when I feel deserted, I will praise You, Lord/Even in the darkest valley, I will praise You, Lord/And when my world is shattered and it seems all hope is gone,Yet I will praise You, Lord

“Though the fig tree should not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines,
The produce of the olive fail
And the fields yield no food,
The flock be cut off from the fold
And there be no herd in the stalls,
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
God, the Lord, is my strength;
He makes my feet like the deer’s;
He makes me tread on my high places.”
Habakkuk 3:17-19


We only have a few gallons left... after that, no shower, no washing hair, no washing hands, no brushing teeth, no flushing toilet.


Right now there's not a cloud in the sky but I'm looking to the horizon waiting for that one little puff - just like Elijah.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Requests for God

I think God is reminding me how gracious He has been over the past months. We have had very little time without power and no time without water. Today, we have neither.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. Emily and I (and other teachers) have been reflecting on this year and these students and this school.

Next year, Mizpah will be losing 7 of their 10 teachers. This does not mean that God cannot provide; however, it does mean that He may not.

So I ask myself, was it worth it? Was worth it to spend a year and a half of my life attempting to teach apathetic students who want to sit around and do nothing anyway after high school?

And I think of the few… and all I can do is plead to God that He continues His work in their lives …and that He makes it worth it.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

PRAISES and Prayer Requests

PRAISE THE LORD for a DONATED toner for our copy machine!!!
PRAISE THE LORD for continued electricity.
PRAISE THE LORD for finishing one of my classes.

Please, keep praying…
…for RAIN!
…for end of classes and finals (especially DS to get his 3 speeches finished!)
…for final packing and moving preparations.
…for teachers for next year.
…for all of the extra activities for the end of the school year including junior high graduation and a MUSIC RECITAL!
…for Dayson’s financial status with Master’s – God does miracles!
…for everything with Columbia to be finalized.
…for all of the meetings and plans that are being set for when we get home.

Monday, May 07, 2007


We need a copy machine to work and be inexpensive for our finals!!!

By the way, PRAISE THE LORD for all the rain - our once-empty tank is already half full! Keep it coming!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Chuukese Coming to California!

A small group (I think about 10, mostly male leadership from church and some will have their wives) from Logan Memorial Church will be in the Carlsbad area for ministry the week of July 21st-28th. They need places to stay and ministries that want to spend time with them. They are WONDERFUL!


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Katie’s Continued Prayer Requests…

- PRAISE THE LORD for a full two days of electricity! Keep it coming!
- PRAISE THE LORD for time to respond to most of the e-mails in my Inbox!
- PRAISE THE LORD for time and creativity for my New Testament Review and Final!
- PRAISE THE LORD that contact was finally made with Columbia!
- PRAISE THE LORD for strength for each day!

Please, continue to be in prayer for…
- Final packing and moving preparations for me and Em, Miss Junotte, and ESPECIALLY Pat and Linda and the boys.
- The end of classes – students to finish, students to study for their finals, students to pass.
- All of the extra activities that come with the end of the year (end of year party, senior banquet, junior retreat, baccalaureate, staff party, graduation, etc.)
- The Lord to do His miracle of provision in providing financially for Dayson to attend The Master’s College.
- For everything to be finalized with Columbia and plans to go into motion.
- Continued strength to get through these last few weeks with energy and love.
- ***ALL OF OUR WATER IS GONE!*** This is not because it hasn’t been raining – it has been very much – but this morning we found that our pipe (which is screwed in tight) was somehow disconnected from our tank and our once full tank is now COMPLETELY EMPTY! God does miracles though. Pray for it to be completely filled again.
- And pray for patience and trust as He answers perfectly all of our requests.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Katie's Prayer Requests

- the Lord to do a miracle and provide financially for dayson to attend the master's college
- time to respond to the bazillion e-mails in my inbox
- time, wisdom, and creativity to write my finals
- to hear either way from columbia
- strength to get through this month with energy and love (i’m really, really, really ready to be back in the states)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Junior Retreat, which was supposed to be this weekend.
Chiles – as they prepare for whatever is next…
ENERGY & the fruits of the Spirit to finish the school year
Motivation & discipline for the students to study & NOT CHEAT
Creative ways to help the students study for finals & learn the last of the material
Continued discussion & sharing about the topic of purity
Continued prayer for growth of those at the Women’s Conference
Prayer for God’s leading and direction upon returning to the States in June