Sunday, April 30, 2006

Questions I Never Answered...

I went through all of my comments and am going to try and answer some of the questions that were posted:

Peggi - Cockroaches haven't grown me spiritually as much as the geckos have now. I seriously have prayed so many times for my fear to be taken away. I know it's ridiculous, that they're totally harmless, and are more afraid of me than I am of them. Well, I slept in a room with a really fat gecko when I was on Falos. Perhaps the Lord is answering my prayers?

Peggi - Unfortunately, the coconut I was drinking was not hand picked by me. I keep asking people to teach me how to climb a coconut tree but they either laugh and say I'm a girl or they tell me I would be too afraid. Ah, well, perhaps someday.

Em - I actually didn't take a tape recorder to Israel. I did take one to Uganda though and I am bummed I didn't bring it here. I will next year though! Perhaps I can get a video camera too for next year!?

Mom - Mzungu does not have to be jealous of LA and SD and my puppies don't have to be jealous of her. God has blessed me with all three of them in their respective locations.

Em - The other Emily who blogged was Emily T. who you now know and, I presume, love like I do now.

Grandma B. - Yes, I do receive your cards and I love them. Thank you!

Margie - Yes, prayer is wonderful! So thank you so much for offering them up to Him!

Becs - You know, I never did receive your letter #1 and your letter #2. Thank goodness I did read your e-mails, huh?

Mom - Spring Banquet was held on the 4th story (the top story and what the kids think is a sky scraper) of a building close to the airport. The senior girls decorated the place. ...I don't think most of the kids know what their names mean in English.

Mrs. B. - Most of the handsigns are peace, hang loose, whassup, things like that. If they're doing other things, I'm totally clueless. It's just the cool thing to do for pictures - I would rather have them smile with their teeth. Oh,well.

That's it! But thanks for all of your comments! They have been great to receive and know that the Lord is using you all to be a part of His ministry.
Thank you to Mom, Dad, Em, Grandma E., Grandma B., Becs, Cindy, Heather K., Mrs. B., Nick, Peggi, Laurie (Pablo), Mike and Evelyn, Kelley O., Mike and Juanita, Kayti, Rebecca W., Heather L. (Roomie), Emily T., Heather (the Bunny), Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, Margie G., Carolyn, and the Mallow Ct. Growth Group.
Also, thank you for all the e-mails I've received too. This also includes Allie S. and Mrs. L.
And thank you for the prayers of those who don't comment! I know you love me too and love Him!!!

May God richly bless you all!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Final Stretch...

Only 4 more weeks of school left. I can't believe it. There is still much to be taught, much to learn, and much work to do; I'm wondering how teachers and students alike are all going to get it accomplished! ...I know how for me - through your prayers and the powerful love of God.

There's no other way to say it - these kids are lazy. I mean, I'm not one to talk because I was extremely lazy in high school too but... this just blows my mind! It is not just my class or a few students. There are many students in all classes that simply refuse to do work. It takes push, push, push, time and time again to get these kids to do their work. At first I thought they didn't know English or perhaps weren't very intelligent - HAH! They fooled me! When they do their work they know exactly what they're talking about and write in English just fine. I've talked to many different teachers and missionaries about what to do to motivate them. You know what it ultimately - and I mean ultimately - came down to? Hopelessness.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice..." 1 Peter 1:3-6a

There is no hope for abundance and worth in this life or eternity in paradise in the life here after UNLESS you trust in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life!

Please, pray specifically for these students to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Please, pray especially for KI, WayOne, Nathaniel, KAnn, Cruz, Maverick, Teison, Easyboy, Sympath, Aileen, Patsie, Gracelyn, Roseann, Kieko, MoriM, and I'm sure many others.

By the way Maverick, remember he was on Falos at Easter, I heard that he was asking what the testimonies and baptisms were all about. He comes from a Catholic background I believe. Just hearing that he actually asked questions made my heart so joyful! Pray for his salvation as I continue too!

Also, please be in prayer for these students as they will not pass my classes unless they do their assignments and show up for class - Alvin, Sumantha, Arlene, Kalani, Maverick, Sympath, Charlotte, Marvino, Onolyn, Stayleen, Erlyn M., Roseann, and Kieko.


The Senior retreat was cancelled for, I think, the fourth time this weekend. Satan does not want us to have this or what? Please, please, pray that it will work out for the following weekend, April 26th-28th. Pray that transportation will be provided, there will be enough rain water on Tol, and that everyone will be able to go. Pray that God keeps Satan out and His angels on guard. Pray that souls are saved and changed forever!!!

I will, however, be spending the night at Mizpah with the senior girls this Friday. I am excited! Pray for them not to be nukumach (naughty) and for me to have a good balance between craziness and responsibility. :o)

Thank you for being such a HUGE part of God's ministry. Sometimes I am overwhelmed for your love for me ...and for our Lord! And how much greater and more wonderful is God's love ...a love which "surpasses knowledge." HALLELUJAH! What a Savior!

Praising Jesus Christ while I serve,
Still out in the uttermost,

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter on Falos Island

But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she
stooped to look into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white, sitting
where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet.
They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "They
have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him."
Having said this, she sturned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not
know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you
weeping? Whom are you seeking?" Supposing him to be the gardener, she
said to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid
him, and I will take him away."

Jesus said to her, "Mary."

She turned and said to him in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means
Teacher). Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet
ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending
to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" Mary Magdalene
went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord" --and that he had
said these things to her.

(John 20:11-18)

I love this part of the resurrection of Jesus. He is so personal and intimate with those He loves - with those who have the same Father and God as He does. And so He calls me by name too. I love it. This Easter I have thought a lot about God's love for me. He loves me so much. He loves me with a kindness, gentleness, and compassion like none other. It's beautiful and awesome and inspiring. I do not understand it but I believe that He loves me. And it's the most wonderful thing in the whole world.

He told Mary to go tell His "brothers" and so He has told me - "Go! Tell!"


I spent Saturday and Sunday on Falos Island. I thought Picnic Island was beautiful, Falos is ten times more beautiful! It was great. I went with the church I attend, the Filipino church. We just swam, snorkeled, and slept. On Sunday we had service on the sand with testimonies and baptisms. I think the baptisms were especially wonderful because of Easter - celebrating the resurrection of Christ and His resurrection power in our lives!

Enjoy the pictures... Micronesia#8. (And, if you haven't, check out my other Spring Break photos under Micronesia#7.)

Again, again, again... Thank you for all of your prayers and support and love for me and our Savior. He does miracles. :o) Oh, and my air conditioning is being fixed as I write. Whoopee! And praise the Lord!


Saturday, April 15, 2006



Wednesday, April 12, 2006


our air conditioner is... sick. please, pray for a quick recovery. God can do anything, including fix a broken air conditioner. thanks!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Electricity is on...
...washed dishes, took out trash, made bed, vacuumed, dusted...


without electricity my spring break will be very uncomfortable...

Thursday, April 06, 2006


2am woke up to huge water droplets pounding the roof. immediately knew my mom had received my e-mail to pray for more rain. thanked the Lord. please, continue to pray for rain. it is only supplied by the All-Powerful God. i wouldn't want it from any other source.

Spring Break...
i've now been officially on break for 2&1/2 hours. praise the Lord! pray for lots of good rest. i will have things to do though - tomorrow is an all Weno high schools' athletic day, Saturday is an ordination for two Logan leaders, next week Elvis is taking me on a tour of Weno, Easter weekend i'm going to Falos island with my church for fellowship, baptisms, and sunrise service.

Speech #1...
i know it's their first time and hopefully they will know it too. if they were prepared, they did okay for it being their first time. many of them are just lazy, yes, even in the AP classes. if they had used their time wisely in preparation then this day wouldn't have been so stressful for them. thank you for praying for them. please, pray that when school starts back up i will be encouraging to them and know how to teach them what i'm looking for and what a well done speech looks like. pray that their confidence increases. they have at least two more speeches to go. their next speech i am definitely not letting them use notes.

i told two of my sophomores today that they "crack me up." because of their confused looks, i asked them if they knew what i meant. DS said, "of course. we break you up into little pieces." that, of course, made me laugh even harder. i explained that it meant they made me laugh really hard. the remainder of the class they told their classmates how much they cracked each other up. i thought it was so funny! great, now i'm cracking myself up!

Senior Retreat...
i forgot to mention that last weekend the retreat was cancelled due to lack of rain. rain is our main source of water on Weno but for the island of Tol it is their only source of water. it has been rescheduled for April 21st, the weekend after spring break.

Session with parents...
today's conferences had only about 25 parents in attendance. how it works is that we all meet in the sanctuary for updates from director (Mr. C.) and principal (Mr. K.O. aka Elvis). then the report cards are distributed and if the parents have a question, concern, or comment about a grade they can come and talk with the teacher. none came to me. the ones that came to ana on my right and junotte on my left were all smiles and friendly faces though. so thanks for your prayers. it worked, I guess. just not what I expected.

because it started with an 's' too. thanks.

i change the lyrics to "God is so good" sometimes and sing "God is so cool" and whenever i say "cool" it's dramatically emphasized. i think it will be the next big thing for christian contemporary hits. what do you think? sing "God is so cool" today. it will bring smiles to your faces and healing to your bones.

love, k.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Water from Heaven

Thank you for your prayers. We've had hard rain on and off for the past day and a half. Keep praying, though, please. And every time I hear the rain pounding on the roof (I actually woke up to it last night) I remember God's faithfulness and thank Him.

Also, please pray for my mosquito bites. I'm on number 54.

Thank you for all your comments and e-mails. Please, keep sending them! They are always welcome!