Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thank You, Katie, for washing the dishes and fixing dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tearful Testimonies

Today the seniors organized chapel as a response to their retreat. It lasted well into third period. They did a few group songs, and there were several Bible readings and sharing. Two students seemed to give their testimony (it was in Chuukese). There were tears at the pulpit and in the audience as F-Cina and then Isaiah spoke. After Isaiah's testimony, he and Frank (pot-smoking, betel-nut-chewing, continually misbehaving Frank) sang a duet. Again, it was in Chuukese, but "Wow!" Wow their voices, and wow God's change in Frank - to see him sing in chapel! Alvin spoke last and gave an invitation to which many students responded (including many of the girls from my freshmen class). Chapel closed with a prayer offered by Ricken. Pray for those who accepted the invitation to receive Christ for the first time as well as those seniors and underclassmen who re-dedicated their lives to Him. Praise God for the harvest among Mizpah Christian High School students.

Also, praise God for the rain. Our tank is half full!

Last but not least, pray for the copier to get fixed. Yes, our copy machine broke, which is a headache for teachers and students alike, so it'd be great if it could be fixed or replaced pronto.

Katie shared in staff devos how God cares for us. If we can trust Him with the most important thing: salvation, can't we trust him with all the small things? And if he cares for all the small things, like the birds and the flowers, will he not care for the more important things, His people created in His image?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ricken's Retreat Remarks

Katie and I just got back from the store. On our way there, Ricken hitched a ride from us. He was on his way to the volleyball game, though when he gestured to show where he was going I thought it looked more like fighting than spiking. Anyway, Ricken is an interesting fellow. He is an average student, a nice looking young man, a "good" guy, but every now and then this mischievousness just spreads across his face. He gets this "I'm being naughty" grin and twinkle in his eye, then he erupts with impish laughter. At these moments, you're never sure of what he's thinking or what he just said in Chuukese to his buddies that made them laugh. Once he was cornered in the car, I asked him about the retreat. He said it was "fun." When I asked why, he said, "Because I confessed my sins." Interesting... Whether that's true or he's playing, I don't know, but pray for Ricken and his rascally grin. :)

Prayer Requests

Various staff members reported on the positive feedback they received from seniors in regards to the retreat, so praise God for that and continue praying that the commitments that were made this past weekend will hold true.

Pray for rain!

Pray for Benjamin, mantainence staff, he leaves (moves) tomorrow to Spokane, WA to work for one of Pat's friends. Pray for him as he's reasonably quite nervous about the flight, the USA, not having a jacket etc. ! Pray for continued spiritual growth, an opportunity to further his education, and ease of transition into a new culture (if that's possible!).

Also, pray for our seniors because they will be taking the entrance exam to College of Micronesia this Thursday.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Pray for Rain!

Yes, we need rain.

The Senior Retreat seems to have been a success. Director said "Well, it was awesome." The seniors sang in chapel this morning. They had a casual day, so they didn't have to wear their uniforms. Instead, they all dressed up for their special numbers in chapel - the girls all wore their brightly colored muumuus and the guys all had collared island-style shirts. Frank and Isaiah read scripture. I asked the seniors later what Frank had said. Apparently, before he read, he apologized to anyone who had disliked his attitude in the past (Remember, that he is the student that threatened me). Isaiah and Franky also sang a duet. It is a popular tune by a band in the states, but Franky had changed the words to make it a praise song. Afleen, Linda's new helper in the jr. high, also shared about the weekend. I guess she works with the LMC youth group and went on the retreat. Unfortunately, in class they were as unproductive as usual. So...praise God and keep praying for these young adults.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Twenty-Four Hour Power

Rumor has it that the island got new generators. We have had 24-power for the last week. Yay! Too bad we have been too sick to enjoy it. Also, we decided to stay on-island, rather than going to the retreat on Toll because of being sick. :( Boo. As to the theft, I am now more inclined to believe that it was an outsider, which of course makes us more thankful that we are okay and that's all they took - my purse was even out on the couch untouched! Please, pray for us to get 100% better and for the seniors to have a good, God-glorifying retreat. Perhaps, some students will even come to Christ...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I left the door unlocked last night...

...and I woke up at 12:30 and the door was open and the dogs were barking, barking, barking. At first I was scared and turned on all the lights and looked around if someone was hiding inside. Later I realized that they probably stole something - and they had - two big cases of all my CDs and most of my DVDs. Emily and I figure, unfortunately, that it must have been someone that comes up here regularly and knew exactly what they wanted. We have a couple of top suspects and if we find out who took them they are going to be in BIG trouble, even if they do fess up. Pray for wisdom and for whoever did it to feel horribly guilty and return the music and movies. And pray for me. I am SO ANGRY - yes, because of what was stolen, but even more because it was most likely someone we trusted that stole it. Until the things are returned, no one will be allowed to hang out at our house.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Prayer Requests

Today was the second time that I've missed teaching my classes. I've had a sore throat for the past three days and so during break I went to the Health Clinic. The doctor's eyes bulged when she looked inside my throat. I have a nasty infection. She gave me some antibiotics and pain reliever and I'm supposed to go back on Friday morning for her to check again. When I arrived back at school I asked Director if I could go home after lunch and have someone else take my fifth and sixth period classes. He graciously obliged. Please, pray for quick healing. It hurts soooo badly.

The senior retreat is this weekend and we'll be going to the island of Tol where Pacific Island Bible College is located. Pray for the logistics. But mostly, pray for God to open up the hearts and minds of these seniors. Pray that they are honest with themselves and God and that they make lasting commitments for Him. And pray that I will be well to go.

We need your prayers.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Pray for Easyboy and his mom. Easyboy was finally expelled from Mizpah. His mom was seen throwing rocks at the building and making threats. My heart breaks knowing now why he had such a temper. Please, pray for them both to know Christ.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

This morning was my turn to lead staff devotions and it wasn’t hard to choose a topic.

Defined: 1 Cor. 13:4-8a
God’s Displayed: Eph. 1:3-10
We can now love because He first loved us.
Story of Elizabeth Payson Prentiss: “Frequently an invalid and almost never without pain… Heard a sermon on Christ’s ability to save unto the uttermost… Gave [her]self up to admire, to love and to praise Him, to wonder why [she] had never done so before, and to hope that all the great congregation around [her] were joining with [her] in acknowledging Him to be chief among ten thousand and the One altogether lovely… Married… Her son died… Her third child died… She cried… ‘Our home is broken up, our lives wrecked, our hopes shattered, our dreams dissolved…’ Husband’s counsel… ‘But it is in times like these that God loves us all the more, just as we love our children more when they are sick or troubled in distress…’ Wrote the hymn ‘More Love to Thee’… at her funeral… Revelation 14:13 and Hebrews 6:10 were read.”

Hymn “More Love to Thee”:

More love to thee, O Christ, More love to thee!
Hear thou the prayer I make On bended knee;
This is my earnest plea:
More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee, More love to thee!

Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest;
Now thee alone I seek, Give what is best;
This all my prayer shall be:
More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee, More love to thee!

Then shall my latest breath Whisper they praise;
This be the parting cry My heart shall raise;
This still its prayer shall be:
More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee, More love to thee!

After I shared, Director asked if I would speak in chapel. By the grace of God, I did. Pray that the students, the staff, even I would know the love of God and Christ and that we would excitedly love Him and others in return.

Classes are going…

Pray for my Junior APs and my Senior Regulars as they have to recite a Scripture passage from memory next Thursday. Pray that they practice, practice, practice. And that God’s truth would be emblazoned on their hearts.

Pray for my Sophomores as we continue to study Paul’s letters. They have their test on 1st and 2nd Corinthians tomorrow. Pray that they come, that they don’t ditch, that they don’t cheat, that they study. And, again, that God’s Truth would be written forever on their hearts and minds.

Pray for my Senior APs as they have a lot of work to do and a lot of information to learn before they can graduate in May. Pray that God gives them a new sense of drive and determination to finish off their high school years to the best of their abilities.

Pray for my Junior Regulars. They are doing fairly well in class and, I believe, are learning a lot. They will have their first recitation in front of the class next week though. Pray for fears to subside and enjoyment to transpire.

And pray “More love, O Christ, to thee! More love to thee! More love to thee!”

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And the beat goes on...

Today (partially due to lack of preparation because of being sick-I am feeling better now, btw- and partially because we wanted more entries), I let my Art classes create year book covers. The theme is, “Our Mizpah Home.” Honestly, I was surprised that more students weren’t interested in submitting, *shrug* so I made one! It’s nothing better than some of my students could do, but they all ooohed and aaahed over it. Everyone worked pretty quietly during these classes.
In Reading I let the regulars take their Sign of the Beaver test using the books and notes, which may have actually hurt some of them because they spent too much time looking for answers instead of just using their BRAINS!
In the AP class, I am reviewing some grammar lessons with them. They did these lessons last year and complain that they are too easy. When I grade their papers, however, I find that their complaints are unjustified! Aaah! The frustration! I think that AP class is my laziest, most off-task class! Yesterday, they were making some “Love Book.” I said that if I saw it again I would take it away and burn it. And I will!
The Freshmen History class is another difficult class as far as behavior. It’s the last class of the day, so I think that contributes to the problem. Also, there are just a lot of loud mouths! This afternoon I had to YELL at one of the girls. I told her I was sick of her disrespecting me and the school, and asked her to leave my class. You can pray for me and her. Her name is Sina. She is a transfer student this semester from Hawaii, and she and I have butted heads since day one! Another new student this semester is Spencer. He is Peterson’s (office aid and salutatorian from last year) little brother, but the two couldn’t be more different! Peterson is quiet and hardworking. Spencer is NOT, but he’s friendly! He and two of his freshmen buddies were up to the house a few weeks ago. He was so impressed he said, “Miss, if you ever have free time, you have three friends!” He pointed to himself and his buddies and counted out loud, “One, two, three!” Unfortunately, yesterday I caught him smoking a cigarette behind the classroom and he was suspended today. Pray for him and all the frosh to stay out of trouble and understand that NOW is the time to start developing good habits. I “scolded” Spencer’s friends who were not with him at lunch yesterday. I said, “You guys need to stick together and keep each other out of trouble.” Also, pray for the freshmen because they are taking a history test tomorrow!
Well, that’s today…I’m beat. I need more of Him and just about every good gift he gives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Thank you for the continued prayers.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Godly Sorrow

Last night Isaiah came up to the house to apologize for his recently bad behavior. Then, he asked for Miss Katie and while talking to her he began sobbing. Later, Franky was up here saying that Isaiah was mostly just worried about expulsion (I was in the bedroom doped up on Benadryl, but caught pieces of the conversation during bits of consciousness.) Well, no matter the truth, Vice Principal’s sermon for chapel this morning couldn’t have been more apropos. His message was from 2 Corinthians 7: 8-10:

“Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while—yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”

Isaiah was sitting in the front row as Vice expounded on these two types of sorrow—one that brings repentance, and one that brings death. He equated Paul’s letter to the disciplinary action letters that he had sent home to parents. To me it seemed one of the most easily applicable sermons I have heard in chapel, but it is the Word and the Spirit that works in hearts, and hearts can certainly be deceitful!

Keep praying!

Oh! Also, I finally finished Sign of the Beaver with the Senior Regulars-I think it was too hard for them. Ugh! I am not a very good English teacher.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

In Words

The talent show consisted mostly of singing, dancing (Hula and Hip Hop), and bizarre, comedic skits (the bizarre, I’m sure, accentuated by not understanding the Chuukese language or culture – or these teenagers!) There was a big turnout – I think mostly neighborhood kids or younger sibling/cousins. All in all, I was quite pleased and felt the glory appropriately went to the Lord as the Giver of talents. I’m also really proud of KI and Way-One who had the largest student-hand in organizing it. Actually, it was almost exclusively student run. How exciting that these young men and more like them are Chuuk’s future leaders – what talent, vision and capabilities God has given them!

I am sick this weekend – sinuses. Yuck!

Pray for Isaiah. He is a pretty good student with a heart to learn though he really struggles with his English. His bigger struggle, however, is his behavior. The other students say, “He didn’t use to be like this.” *sigh* He leaves class without permission. Recently, he’s been hiding my supplies and once he spit on the classroom floor out of spite. Also, this past week he told our office help (former Mizpah student, Peterson) that if his name was on detention he would hurt Ms. Ana. Also, I know he flirts with more than one of his female classmates. Anyway, Franky was up here yesterday and said, “Isaiah really wants to change.” I just nodded. He needs more than desire, and I haven’t seen that desire truly evidenced yet.

Franky is always such an advocate for the change of his fellow students. Isaiah is one of his best friends. He is also dating a classmate with the hopes that she “can become a better person.” *sigh* He needs to take on good look at himself. I believe he is a Christian, but I do not sense that he is walking closely with the Lord these last few months. He’s disruptive in class, moody, and even using foul language. Now, if there was ever a person with a right to some bitterness, perhaps Franky is it. My heart has ached for him due to the desertion of his father (like so many other students). Sometimes I think that’s why he’s out there trying to “save” people – some kind of compensation for his loss. Maybe if he can help them, they will never leave him.

One of my freshmen, Marvin, has been out sick, but I heard director say that he won’t be coming back even when he gets better because of tuition problems. His older sister, Saileen, was one of Katie’s students that graduated last year. Pray for Marvin to be able to come back. Also, another freshmen, Melorin, who has not been in class all semester. I saw her about a week ago, and she said she really missed us and hoped to be back soon.

So…pray for my health, KI, Way-One, Isaiah, Franky, Marvin and Melorin. And praise God, the giver of so many talents!

Laid on Thine Altar, oh my Lord Divine,
Accept my gift this day for Jesu’s sake.
I have no jewels to adorn Thy shrine,
Nor any world-famed sacrifice to make.
Yet here I bring within my trembling hand
This will of mine—a thing that seemeth small,
But Thou alone, O Lord, canst understand
How, when I yield Thee this, I yield Thee all.
Hidden therein, Thy searching eye can see
Struggles of passion, visions of delight,
All that I have, and am, and fain would be,
Fond hope, deep love and longing infinite.
It hath been wet with tears and dimmed with sighs,
Clenched in my grasp till beauty it hath none.
Now from Thy footstool, where it vanquished lies,
The prayer ascendeth, “May Thy will be done.”
Take it, O Father, ere my courage fail,
And merge in so in Thine own will, that e’en
If in some desperate hour my cries prevail,
And Thou give back my will, it may have been
So changed, so purified, so fair have grown,
So one with Thee, so filled with peace divine,
I may not know it, feel it as mine own,
But gaining back my will, may find it Thine.
--Author Unknown

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Talent Show & Classroom

Monday, February 05, 2007

Senior Pics & Katie's B-day

Thursday, February 01, 2007

God is still cool.

The period after lunch, 5th period, I have my junior APs. Most of the time they are so wonderful to teach. They are hard working and actually want to learn -- of course, they have their days. I was a few minutes late to class and when I went into the class room there was no one to be seen. So I figured, well maybe since I was late they all did something really quick. After about 15 minutes, I seriously start to worry. It's not like them to be late - let alone, ditch. I thought maybe they were doing something for my birthday and they lost track of time. Another 15 minutes went by without any sign. I seriously thought someone kidnapped them. I was starting to get really worried and I'm looking around and asking people. Finally, I see Director and wave him down. "Where's my class?" He sort of smiles. "I think I know where they might be," He says. "But they're late." Finally, 5 minutes before class time was up, they run into the class with pizza, cake, and ice cream for me for my birthday (which isn't until tomorrow but we don't have school tomorrow because of the pastor's conference). I was mad that they missed my class (and still counted them all as absent and gave them a hefty assignment to do over the weekend) but THEY LOVE ME! What can I say? I was thrilled! Praise the Lord for those that are a joy to love! Praise the Lord for His undeserved blessings!

I also need to add something that happened from yesterday's blog... When I was talking with my students that I had caught handeling, and tears were rolling down my cheeks, another student was close by hearing every word. That other student who is very close to being kicked out due to substance abuse too said, "Yeah! Look. She just cares about us. She just wants good things for us." ...I could definitely tell that the student that I had caught was very sad that I was sad. But that's not what I want. I want him to be sad that it's not what GOD wants! That even if circumstances in life may not change and hard things happen and people fail and dreams are smashed and you have nothing to look forward to in this life... Jesus gives abundance through joy and love and kindness and service and worship and prayer! Oh, how I wish they knew this for themselves.... how I wish I knew it more!

Thank you for your prayers. God hears and ACTS!