Sunday, May 20, 2007


1. I’ve been officially accepted into the Master’s TEFL/Intercultural Studies program at Columbia International University! And the guest speaker for baccalaureate, a professor at Pacific Island Bible College on Tol, taught at CIU for 14 years (or something like that).
2. Although we’ve gone days at a time without electricity lately, it just makes us more thankful when it is on.
3. We’ve been to the airport three times in the past week. We’ll be going tomorrow morning to see Nick, Ana, and Nico off. One more week and then we’ll be gone. …I’m trying not to think about it.
4. Had dinner with six of the senior girls tonight. Was very amusing. …Some of the senior boys (and a few others) crashed the event at Lei Side Café. It was hilarious when Franky and my recorded song came over the speakers and I hear KI say, being overly loud on purpose, “Wow. That girl’s voice is the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.” It was even more hilarious when DS came up behind the booth with his napkin and asked for my autograph.
5. Graduation is on Friday and so we have the next four days with not a whole lot to do. Pray that we have wonderful visits from our students, that we get to “climb the mountain,” and that we get another dive in.
6. I went to the “Mission to the U.S.” meeting at Logan tonight. It was very interesting. Some of the group was very understanding and knew that they were still loved and prayed for by people at CCC. Others were very skeptical. But I asked them to come to California. I’ve been praying morning and night that they would. They had completed wiped California off their schedule because of rejection but they will rethink through their plans and maybe come.
7. Thank you to all of the phone calls, e-mails, comments, and especially prayers for all the happenings here lately. It has been quite emotionally and spiritually draining and I covet your prayers and interaction with me.

Please, keep them coming…
1. For God to do a miracle so Dayson (second highest graduate at PIBC and awarded student of the year at his graduation) can attend The Master’s College in the fall. He was accepted but is still waiting to here from financial aid. Pray also that God leads him to a place to live for the summer (preferably someplace in CA) and for a way to earn money.
2. For Becko and Emily to be reconciled (long story).
3. Director for next year.
4. Teachers for next year.
5. Custodial staff for next year.
6. For all the plans for Korea to work out perfectly and our time there to be one of wonderful fellowship with our missionary hosts and lots of rest and relaxation.

I’ve been reading a wonderful book. Here’s a quote:
“A hungry man can be a fast learner. When you come to a table with nothing but need, you are grateful for things you might have pushed aside before. And when you kneel, hungry and broken at His table, you receive a grace from Him you might, at some other time, have completely missed. You’ll know this grace when you take it. It goes deeper, quicker, and it burns all the way down.”

Also, I’ve been reading THE MOST Wonderful Book. I’ve been encouraged by the book of Nehemiah in particular, especially chapter 9. It’s pretty much just a summary of God’s work in the nation of Israel – God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love, Israel’s sin and need for repentance, God’s grace and love – the story of my life. But the really cool thing about it is that God used His love for the many times faithless nation of Israel to enlighten the heart of a little girl 2,500 years later out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If God can use the nation of Israel to reveal more about Himself to me, then there is a glimmer of hope that He can use me also to reveal to others more about Himself. I pray with all of my heart that He did.


At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all! Thanks for the updates - our love and prayers continue - mom

At 5:57 AM, Blogger ChrisJ said...

Hi Katie and Emily:
Still praying for you all. Congratulations Katie for being accepted at college. That will be a whole different experience. Talk about culture shock. Now you'll have it coming the other way! Don't worry too much about Logan. All efforts are being made at this end to mend fences. The MMC are deeply concerned about the people there and love them as you do.The Lord has them -- and us, -- in His hands.
We leave for England on Friday until mid-June, so I may not get a chance to 'comment' again, but be assured of our continuing prayers and love. Keep blogging. I'll catch up when we get home.
In His Love
Chris J

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Frank N said...

It's always such an encouragement to read your guys' posts! Congrats Katie on the masters program! God bless and take care! -frank

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Katie! You have been on my heart and in my prayers! Congrats on getting into Columbia! :-) Love you and can't wait to see you when you get home!! I will continue praying!

At 4:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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